In the beginning of each class my fellow students and I are tasked with free writing for a full ten minutes. There are a number of things to be learned for doing these every class period, but I believe the most significant thing I have discovered is my handwriting has become atrocious. Now don't get me wrong, our teacher can still read what I'm writing in my free writes, but after a summer of minimal writing there is a definite difference from last Spring. Yet another thing I discovered is that I can use the time that I have to free write to study also! Friday I had a quiz for microbiology and is also the day we had our latest free write. So during the time period we have for free writing I went ahead and jotted down all the things I'd need to know for my microbiology quiz, such as all the famous scientists and their numerous contributions to the microbiology field as well as the basic biology of viruses and the motility of bacteria. Very dry, boring material to study but hey, gotta get those grades. The process of writing is continuous. The more you write the better you will become as a writer and that is the primary reason for having us do the free writes every class.
There are studies on the relationship between writing "by hand" and thinking. I'm glad you saw a difference. I am hoping that more freewriting will help us to remain sensitive to what we are writing.